Animation performed during the last act of the feminist theater play "Pussy, King Of The Pirates". It shows an island made of dildos and genitals, whose treasure stands for sexual self-determination. The rose can be found in Kathi Ackers book as a symbol for female desire, trough the rose the audience is broght visually to the island. "Theresa Thomasberger and her team, including performers from the Berlin Strippers Collective, develop on the basis of Kathy Acker's transgressive novel "Pussy, King of the Pirates" an evening about piracy and other forms of redistribution. The setting for the confrontation are heterotopias - brothels, cemeteries, ships - counter-places, from which bodies as means of production and strategies of their empowerment can be tested."
With Johanna Asch, Thu Trang Dong, Jasper Middendorf, Marta López Matoses, Milena Arne Schedle, Daniel Warland, Nathalie Wendt, Kaya Anouk Zakrzewska, Malaya Takeda, McKenzie Wark
Director: Theresa Thomasberger
Stage and costume: Mirjam Schaal
Sound and Composition: Oskar Mayböck
Video: Jessie Darnell
Animation: Maria Kobylenko
Dramaturgy: Iven Yorick Fenker
Film and Photo: Nils Anders Schröder / Schiefer Film
Assistant director: Greta Kemper
Equipment assistant: Ragna Tümpel