Pilzmyzel — Kann man das essen? @ ProtoPotsdam Bauhaus Earth, Potsdam, 2024
The Protoskills Summer School in Potsdam focused on regional and regenerative material alternatives, offering hands-on workshops to explore different perspectives on raw and building materials. The workshop began with an introduction to Mitkunstzentrale and Pilz Kunst Labor Berlin. Participants were then asked what they associate with mushrooms, followed by an explanation of their role in nature. We discussed their applications in product design, fashion, architecture, furniture, medicine, and food, and taught how mycelium cultivation and mycelium composite production work. Afterwards, the participants had the opportunity to create a unique mycelium mold using packaging waste, which they could take home with them. The event was organized by Bauhaus Earth at the ProtoPotsdam showroom, in cooperation with Johanna Rummel.