Based on postnaturalist theory, MICA 2147 provokes the assumption that genetic mutation is more likely to occur than that capitalism and related exploitations and problems will be abolished. Contaminated environmental conditions, a disturbed socio-ecological balance, zoonoses and genetic experiments are not scenarios, but man-made realities whose effects are either unpredictable or sickening. Human is nature and part of the ecological cycle. He influences the non-human and the non-human influences him.
Mica Mineral (Muscovite)
The question of an underground nuclear waste repository in Germany, what should exist for a million years, remains unresolved. [1]
Exhibited at: MORGEN – Experimentelle Untersuchungen und Zukunftsmodelle, Domäne Dahlem, 23.10.21 – 23.01.22, More than Human / Tales of Nature, Kulturforum, Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin,13.07.24 – 25.08.24. Publisched in: Die Zeichen der Auguren, Über Fluch und Segen von technologischen Entwicklungen / By Holger Neumann, Ilka Schaumberg (2022).
In cooperation with Siamend Darwesh and Kathrin Wildemann. Research information based on the report from Terre des hommes "CHILD LABOUR IN MADAGASCAR’S MICA SECTOR (2019) PDF".